
Nature Development
You have got another place to belong.
It is tiny in scale, but every single part is powerful.
That may be because it stands by the character of the land and takes root in the earth.
Rich awareness you would not see in a villa or glamping is there.
You do not need to prepare from scratch.
All you have to do is dive right into the middle of nature.
You can live, or you can work.
You can do anything or do nothing.
Certainly, some will not be given to you.
However looking back, ingenuity or awareness has been born out of small inconveniences.
Beyond the low hurdle, there is a strong and thick experience.
It is okay to jump in and stumble a little.
Step firmly on the ground as another base.
This is a new kind of active luxury for an age that values experience.

What We Do
Find value in rich undiscovered land, have unique experiences that can only be found there.
- 1.企画・コンサルティング
- 2.ブランディング戦略支援
- 3.トータルクリエイティブ・アートディレクション業務
- 4.プロダクトデザイン業務
- 5.プロジェクトディレクション業務
- 6.不動産物件の販売・賃貸事業
- 7.宿泊運営事業
- 8.オウンドメディア運営
- 9.インベスターリレーション事業
Daichi is a company engaged in the planning, development, and operation of lodging, commercial, spa, and sauna facilities, as well as PR and branding of tourist site and regions in rich natural environments.
We propose active luxury focused on experiences. Our team of experts, including architects, landscape architects, project managers, and creative directors, maximizes the potential of each site to create experiences that can only be felt at that location.
We create business plans and realize them while balancing the mutual relationship between cutting-edge technology necessary in the future and unchanging nature.
Nature development business utilizing the natural environment
- 1. Planning and consulting
- 2. Branding strategy support
- 3. Total creative and art direction services
- 4. Product design services
- 5. Project direction business
- 6. Real estate property sales and leasing business
- 7. Lodging management business
- 8. Owned media media management
- 9. Investor relations business

DAICHI designs a variety of landscapes and experiences through planning, consulting and branding that find the value of each land.
We also provide services such as development, sales, lodging, and management of investment properties, with a focus on real estate development in natural environments.
Project1 Comingsoon


A number of huts scattered along the shore of a large lake.
A new natural environment achieved by developing the landscape of the entire site.
New air flow and light angles created by the scattered buildings.
The openings on three sides of the huts make you feel blended in nature while sheltering from the rain and wind indoors.
If you set up chairs on the side terrace or around it, you can enjoy a bonfire or cooking in the middle of nature.

販売棟数:Coming Soon
プロジェクトマネジメント/ 販売戦略立案 / メディアリレーション
Number of sales:Coming Soon
Project management / Sales Strategy Planning / Media relations

Project2 Yamanakako

Sold Out
A pair of huts nestled in the forest, a five-minute drive from Lake Yamanaka.
The bedrooms and kitchen with high ceilings correspond to the spontaneous forest with the air of the lakeside as it is.
There is also a sauna for private use.
You can freely spread out chairs and tables on the terrace, and put up a tarp to create a place to stay, creating a living room on the earth that can be freely expanded from time to time.
With a forest landscape and a cluster of cabins as a backdrop, you can experience the luxury of listening to nature, enjoying food, and letting your time devote to the sound of the fire.
Number of sales:1
Building area: 24.46m²

Project3 Gotenba


Scenery of Fuji while sitting on the sofa.
Fuji, which changes its expression from moment to moment, becomes even more present when it is cut off by the architecture. The 4-meter kitchen stretches out with some room, providing both the openness of the outdoors and the convenience of the indoors.
In the middle of nature, the seasonal ingredients of the land are prepared.
Under the large roof on the slope, gentle light pours in, and the rich expression of natural materials and shadows can be seen. A house to enjoy the view on the hill of the mountain.

Number of sales:1
Site area: 573m²
Building area: 112.63m²

Project4 Comingsoon

The landscape itself is built, editing the places through the buildings.
Personal view is promised to every house that stand one by one on the slope of the rock. The wide openings let in plenty of natural breezes while you relax by the fire or in the pool.
This is a place where you can feel the richness of nature's bounty, keeping your private space at the same time.
販売棟数:Coming Soon
プロジェクトマネジメント/ 販売戦略立案 / メディアリレーション
Number of sales:Coming Soon
Project management / Sales Strategy Planning / Media relations

Project5 Isumi


All the spaces except the bedroom and the bathroom are seamlessly connected to the outdoors, just with deep roofs and walls that control light and wind.
On the open terrace, the pool spreads out in response to the river flowing in front of it, and when you get cold, the fireplace warms your body.
There, just like the trees in the forest, you sway gently in the gentle breeze and feel at ease in the deep light. This is a house that continues to the deep forest cut off by the architecture and let you devote to the murmur of the water.

Number of sales:1
Site area:1045.25m²
Building area:168.09m²

建築設計:Suppose Design Office株式会社
Architectural Design:Suppose Design Office Co., Ltd.
Landscape Design:Daishizen Co.

38-27 2F
Ryu Umayahara
Project Manager
Born in Sado Island, Niigata Prefecture in . Spent time on the island until entering university. After completing graduate school, he worked for D-SIGN Inc. where he was involved in building workplaces with management and employees. In his previous job, he worked as a project manager for many companies in Japan and abroad, and won many awards including the Nikkei New Office Award. He has also made camping his life's work and has traveled all over Japan. He started his own business in , and has been in his current position ever since.
SUPPOSE DESIGN OFFICE Co.,Ltd. 代表取締役広島生まれ。、建築設計事務所SUPPOSE DESIGN OFFICE設立。より吉田愛と共同主宰。広島・東京の2ヵ所を拠点とし、インテリアから住宅、複合施設まで国内外合わせ多数のプロジェクトを手がける傍ら、穴吹デザイン専門学校特任講師、広島女学院大学客員教授、大阪芸術大学准教授なども勤める。近年オープンの「BIRD BATH&KIOSK」の他、「社食堂」や「絶景不動産」「21世紀工務店」「Tecture」「CAMP.TECTS」「社外取締役」「toha」をはじめとする多分野で開業、活動の幅も広がっている。
Makoto Tanijiri
Architect, Entrepreneur
President of SUPPOSE DESIGN OFFICE Co.,Ltd.Born in in Hiroshima, Japan, Tanijiri founded the architectural design office SUPPOSE DESIGN OFFICE in , and has been co-president with Ai Yoshida since . Based in Hiroshima and Tokyo, he has worked on numerous projects in Japan and abroad, ranging from interior design to housing and complex facilities, and is also a specially appointed lecturer at Anabuki Design College, a visiting professor at Hiroshima Jogakuin University, and an associate professor at Osaka University of Arts. In addition to the recently opened "BIRD BATH&KIOSK", he has opened "company cafeteria", "superb view real estate", "21st century construction company", "Tecture", "CAMP.TECTS", "outside director", "toha", and many more.
生まれ。ランドスケープやインドアグリーンのデザインを行うSOLSO、SOLSO FARMなどを運営するDAISHIZENの代表。話題の商業施設や建築家とのコラボレーションを数多く手がけている。に自身のキャリア20周年を迎え造園家、農家としてもあらたなキャリアをスタートし活動の場を広げている。
Taichi Saito
Landscape architect, Green director
Born in 1983. Representative of DAISHIZEN, which operates SOLSO and SOLSO FARM for landscape and indoor green design. He has been involved in many collaborations with high-profile commercial facilities and architects. In , he celebrated the 20th anniversary of his career and started a new career as a landscape architect and farmer, expanding his activities.
生まれ。株式会社HARKEN代表。 武蔵野美術大学非常勤講師。業態開発やイベント、ブランドの企画、アートディレクション、デザインを行う。ディレクションを担当した主なプロジェクトに、入場料のある本屋「文喫六本木」、東京都現代美術館内にある「二階のサンドイッチ」、コスメブランド「&WOLF」等。 グッドデザイン賞、iF Design Award、日本タイポグラフィ年鑑等受賞。
Rie Kimoto
Creative Director
Born in . Representative of HARKEN Inc. Part-time lecturer at Musashino Art University. Works in business development, event and brand planning, art direction and design. Major projects she has directed include the bookstore "Bunka-Ku Roppongi", "Sandwich on the Second Floor" in the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, and cosmetics. sandwich on the second floor" in the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, and the cosmetic brand "&WOLF". Awards received include the Good Design Award, iF Design Award, and the Japan Typography Yearbook.
Sauna Team
ととのえ親方 / 松尾 大(マツオ ダイ)
札幌在住。福祉施設やフィットネスクラブを経営する実業家にしてプロサウナー。世界各地のサウナを渡り歩き、アリゾナの山奥で単身5日間断食断水後のサウナを経験。その後、海、川、湖、滝、なんと流氷まで水風呂がわりにしてしまうナチュラル派プロサウナーの道へ。札幌を訪れる経営者や著名人をサウナに案内し、“ととのう”状態に導いてきたことから“ととのえ親方”と呼ばれるように。にはプロサウナーの専門ブランド「TTNE PRO SAUNNER」を立ち上げ、’には友人の医師らとサウナの最適な入り方を提唱する「日本サウナ学会」も設立した。著書に、本田直之氏との共著『人生を変えるサウナ術』(KADOKAWA)がある。
Tomonoe Oyakata / Dai Matsu
Lives in Sapporo. He is a businessman and a professional sauna owner who runs a welfare facility and a fitness club. He has been to saunas all over the world, and experienced a sauna after fasting for 5 days in the mountains of Arizona. After that, he became a natural professional sauna owner who uses oceans, rivers, lakes, waterfalls, and even ice floes as water baths. He is known as "Tonoe Oyakata" because he has been guiding executives and celebrities visiting Sapporo to a state of "tono" in the sauna. In , he launched "TTNE PRO SAUNNER," a brand specializing in professional saunas, and in , he established the Japan Sauna Society with his friend, a doctor, to advocate the best way to use saunas. He is also the co-author of "Life-Changing Sauna Techniques" (KADOKAWA) with Naoyuki Honda.
サウナ師匠 / 秋山 大輔(アキヤマ ダイスケ)
東京在住。イベントを中心とするブランディングプロモーション会社を経営。20代よりサウナに開眼し、国内外の様々なサウナを経験。サウナの母国フィンランドをはじめ、北欧を中心とする10カ国40サウナを体験するEUサウナツアーや、NYのファッション系サウナなど7サウナを巡るNYサウナツアーを敢行。サウナ専門ブランド「TTNE」の立ち上げ、「ととのえの日」記念日制定、「CORONA WINTER SAUNA」監修、「サウナシュラン」立ち上げ、「日本サウナ学会」設立、「SAUNA FES JAPAN」や「SKYTREE SAUNA」、「RoofTop 37」プロデュース、「ソロサウナtune」サウナ監修等、次々にサウナ関連のプロジェクトを仕掛ける。最近では、サウナで汗をかくだけでなく、サウナプロデュースやTV、新聞、ラジオ、雑誌、WEBといったメディア活動を通じ、サウナの為に汗をかいている。
Sauna Master / Daisuke Akiyama
Daisuke Akiyama lives in Tokyo. Lives in Tokyo and runs a branding and promotion company focusing on events. Since his 20s, he has had a keen interest in saunas and has experienced a variety of saunas in Japan and abroad. He has been to Finland, the mother country of sauna. He has been to Finland, the mother country of sauna, EU sauna tour to experience 40 saunas in 10 countries mainly in Northern Europe, and New York sauna tour to visit 7 saunas including fashion sauna in New York. He launched the sauna brand "TTNE", established the anniversary of "Tonoe Day", supervised "CORONA WINTER SAUNA", launched "Sauna Suran", established the "Japan Sauna Society", and established the "Japan Sauna Association". He also established the "Japan Sauna Society," produced "SAUNA FES JAPAN," "SKYTREE SAUNA," and "RoofTop 37," and supervised the "Solo Sauna Tune" sauna. Recently, he is not only sweating in the sauna, but also sweating for the sauna through media activities such as sauna production, TV, newspaper, radio, magazine, and web.